Well the basement of Tims mums house is now empty, just a few hours ago cameras, drysuits, dry bags, pancake mix, protein bars, hammocks… (the list goes on) were allover the floor. Now everything fits snuggly into the kayaks with just enough room for Tim and an I to slide in.
Tim looking hard for the Stikine hot springs
Neither Tim or I have planned a 7 week kayaking trip before and I don’t think too many people have (except locals here in Smithers) so its pretty hard to decide whats too much, and whats too little. The last couple or days has been a rollercoaster, thinking we have wayyyy to much stuff, and then thinking “thats it?, 7 weeks is a long time” I still cant decide but I know for sure we will figure it out soon enough!
Tomorrow we will drive up to Telegraph creek to our put in on the Stikine river, its a bumpy 11 hour drive but I cant wait to the the imfamous Stikine river. For years now I have heard of its immense power and beauty, and even though i’m not putting on for the Grand Canyon this time nerves are still high.
At Telegraph creek we will get to see the devastation first hand of the Wild Fire last August I have seen photos on https://telegraphcreekrebuildingfund.com but I its going to be crazy to see first hand. We will share photos when we can
More updates from the kayaks soon!
Practice paddle below Hudson bay mountain